Design number


Registration date
29 April 2000
Expiry date
30 October 2005
Application date
30 October 2000
Grant date
17 January 2001
Publication date
17 January 2001
Indication of Product
A toy figure


Class 21 - Games, toys, tents and sports goods
Sub class 01 - Games and toys
Indication of goods Toys and dolls - Animals - Creatures (neither fully human nor a recognisable animal) grotesque, (not including reconfigurable mechanical monsters/animals)

Priority claims

Country Application number Application date
DE 29 April 2000

Contact (address for service)

Williams Powell
Staple Court,11 Staple Inn Buildings,London, WC1V 7QH


Name Address Incorporation Country
Klaus P. Gunter Im Obstgarten 33A,D-21614 Buxtehude DE

Registration expired

30 October 2005

30 October 2005 Period of Protection Expired

Address details changed

25 February 2003
27 February 2003

27 February 2003 In pursuance of an application received on the 25 February 2003 the Address of the registered Service Address/Agent altered to ADP NUMBER: 00023931003 Williams Powell Staple Court, 11 Staple Inn Buildings, London, WC1V 7QH, UNITED KINGDOM change of address 25.02.03

Dates adjusted in accordance with EC Designs Directive

3 August 2002

3 August 2002 Registration, expiry & renewal dates, where appropriate, have been adjusted in accord with EC Designs Directive.